Francisco Goya

/  Palenque de los moros hecho con burros para defenderse del toro embolado (The Moors Use Donkeys as a

Francisco Goya: Palenque de los moros hecho con burros para defenderse del toro embolado (The Moors Use Donkeys as a. sketch, drawing, illustration, ancient history
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MuseumsNational Gallery of Art
Francisco de Goya
Spanish, 1746 - 1828
Palenque de los moros hecho con burros para defenderse del toro embolado (The Moors Use Donkeys as a
Barrier to Defend Themselves against the Bull Whose Horns have been Tipped with Balls), in or before 1816
etching, burnished aquatint, drypoint and burin [first edition impression]
SKU: 253068
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