Odilon Redon

/  Et l'homme parut, interrogeant le sol d'ou il sort et qui l'attire, il se fraya la voie vers (And Man appeared; questioning

Odilon Redon: Et l'homme parut, interrogeant le sol d'ou il sort et qui l'attire, il se fraya la voie vers (And Man appeared; questioning. drawing, sketch
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MuseumsNational Gallery of Art
Odilon Redon
French, 1840 - 1916
Et l'homme parut, interrogeant le sol d'ou il sort et qui l'attire, il se fraya la voie vers (And Man appeared questioning
theearth from which he emerged and which attracts hi m, he made his way toward somber brightness), 1883
SKU: 240230
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